Why is Choosing One Religion Slamming the Others?

I view any follower of organized religion, who claims the existence of god is certain, who claims to know exactly who god speaks to or has spoken to, and claims to know how God feels about victimless acts such as homosexuality, the same. For peace of mind, they've all chosen to find comfort in stories that don't logically add up.

From conversations I've had with religious people, they view followers of other religions the same way I view followers of any religion.

In other words, I'm saying, "You're all gullible for believing such farfetched tales," whereas you're saying, "I'm willing to spend thousands of hard earned dollars furthering a story common sense says is bogus, but the crazy scenario you've chosen to believe is ridiculous! Seriously, I own a bridge in Brooklyn that I'll sell ya on the cheap."

It'd be like saying, "You actually believe Santa Claus visits the home of every single boy and girl in the world on Christmas Eve. That's the most asinine thing I've ever heard! Now, if you'll excuse me, I just lost a tooth and therefore must get to sleep in anticipation of a visit from the esteemed Tooth Fairy. I have a hunch her majesty is going to be very good to me!"

Christians say, "Jews are nuts for not believing Christ is the son of God." Muslims say, "Those poor Christians and their false prophet... what are they thinking!" They all believe the other is insane despite the fact that they likely came to their conclusions for the exact same reasons.

You guys sure aren't very tolerant, though you all claim your god is perfect. I suppose you view tolerance as less than ideal. And why aren't you people on the same side? I'll make up a parable that relates to your situation: There are two groups of people fighting for the right to marry animals. They constantly butt heads because one group wants to marry their tigers while the other group wants to marry their lions. "Why in the world would anyone want to marry a lion!? Lion marriage is against nature, while tiger love is as pure as the driven snow," the leader of the first group asks the leader of the second group. Then they each realize bestiality is wrong, and, in their case, very dangerous, and live happily ever after.

Okay, the ending needs work but you get the idea.

It's clear why you have a burning desire to silence me, but why each other!? "I chose my religion because my parents told me it is correct, but nevertheless condemn you for choosing your religion for the exact same reason."

Seriously, if you are a follower of organized religion, you must realize that you only believe because you were taught to believe. Can you Christians say with certainty that you would still accept Christ had your parents taught you that Islam was the path to salvation? Can you Jews say that you would have chosen Judaism had your parents taught you the New Testament was fact?

Of course not.

All followers of organized religion believe because otherwise would mean fearing an afterlife in hell... Because otherwise would mean ridicule from your parents, peers, and siblings... Because otherwise would mean spending time alone in your room just thinking about how horrible a person you are for not blindly following the teachings of the church elders.

Face it, anything could have been written on the pages of the book you were taught is holy. Your teacher could have erased everything and started over and you'd still accept every word.

So whether you're a Christian, a Muslim or a follower of Judaism, why not embrace your differences and give your fellow religious man or woman the freedom to believe as they see fit, because they basically followed your path.

Had religious people throughout history taken this stance, scores would have been spared. If all religious people currently in the world would acknowledge everyone has an equal right to believe as they choose, we could keep our shoes on from the time we enter the airport from the time we exit the airport!

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