For Pennies a Day, You Can Help a Child

Your heart aches when you think of their tiny impoverished faces. Their blank stares cause you to wonder if the surrounding circumstances have warped their fragile little minds. The rumbling of hungry stomachs is nearly deafening. A fly lands on the head of a child who got so little sleep that he doesn't even have the energy to shoo it away... He looks up at his father, wondering from where their next meal will come.

The hunger finally overwhelming the tyke, he tearfully grasps the hand of his father and bellows, "Daddy, are we going to Denny's or IHOP? And when, I'm starving!?"

"Right after church. I told you to eat a bowl of Golden Grahams before we left."

Millions of similar heartbreaking tales occur around the world each week.

Throughout history, many children, just like the one in the above story, grow up to perpetrate violence in the name of their religion.

The aggressive religion often changes, as if there is an invisible, yet deadly, baton they pass back and forth, but most have been guilty at one time or another; and even religions that currently promote peace could take a brutal turn for the worse at any moment, for their books all contain passages that call for the brutal termination of "sinners."

Join me in stopping the violence.

For pennies a day you could keep these people occupied with secular outings.

People like coffee in the a.m.

Bowling alleys are relatively empty on Sunday mornings.

10K run, anyone?

Most fishermen I know catch their biggest prizes before noon.

If we each get one person to refrain from participating in organized religion, we could save lives.

You don't need to convert the believer, just keep him or her away from large groups of likeminded people to ensure they don't develop a plan to carry out their god's wishes as revealed in Chapter the Seventh, Verse Five Plus Twenty of their holy book, which states, without room for misinterpretation, "Off with the head of the non-believer!"

Just think of how much bloodshed could have been prevented had people in ancient cultures distracted those who began seeking guidance from tablets others claimed were the word of a higher power?

It's never too late.

Please, won't you help me end the misery?

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