What Is Your Obsession with the Unknown?

One of the biggest questions facing the United States today is whether Barack Obama is a Muslim or a Christian.

Thankfully most Americans take him at his word and recognize he is a follower of the Christian faith. Sadly, however, many think he's not telling the truth about the story he chooses to believe regarding the origin of man and what is needed to experience perfection in the afterlife.

What's even sadder is the obsession everyone has with the unknown.

I hate to break it to you, but you don't know with certainty that anybody believes what they claim.

Maybe Barack Obama isn't a Christian. Maybe he says he's a believer simply because he wouldn't otherwise be electable. I wouldn't really blame Mr. Obama if that were the case; I would instead fault the millions of citizens who refuse to elect a qualified candidate simply because he or she chooses rationality over a far-fetched tale that, "feels true."

Despite words to the contrary, perhaps your loving spouse doesn't share your religious views. Perhaps he or she joined a church because it was a good place to meet members of the opposite sex. And, after building a romantic relationship with roots in the church, it's not easy to all of sudden admit you're a fraud.

"Please bow your heads and let us thank God for this meal."

"Yeah, about that..."

Every regular on your pew could be living a lie. Someone could be using the church as a fraternity for adults, someone may love to sing but has grown tired of the local karaoke scene, and someone could be in desperate need of a stellar day care center. (Okay, I got that from an episode of Malcolm in the Middle, but life imitates art!)

Organized religion has corrupted society so much that it becomes a scandal when a person believes, but can't prove, another person doesn't believe what they claim to believe but can't prove. The future of our county rides on information nobody will ever know for certain is true and doesn't really matter anyway.

Why not make life about what we do know. We do know we're here. We do know the legislative habits of most major candidates. I say we leave it at that.

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