It's Finally Time to Ban Religion

Normally I'm a big backer of freedom. Sometimes I'm shocked at how much I have in common with Ayn Rand types who want the Christian-dominated U.S. Government out of our lives.

I don't have a problem with anyone sitting in their basement seething with anger over the fact that certain people don't share their faith. If people want to believe in a specific religion, fine.

At least that's what I used to think.

But it's become increasingly clear that the only way to ensure peace on earth is to ban all organized religion. I suppose I've seen one too many headlines such as, "Teen Girl Dies Receiving Lashes as Punishment for Being Raped."

If every religious person is forced to refrain from assembling with like-minded individuals, fanatical theocracies that carry out inhumane punishments would cease to exist. Not to mention the fact that violent acts which kill scores would undoubtedly decrease.

The one religion currently blamed for doing extensive damage hasn't always been the main culprit. Go back a few hundred years and you'll find it was another religion. Go back even further and you'll find it was... you guessed it.

In other words, I'm not calling out a specific religion; I'm saying we must get rid of them all to ensure the safety of ourselves as well as future generations.

Think of mass killings and then think about their root. Cancel out tragedies spurred by organized religion and we've got ourselves a fairly peaceful history.

Of course this piece was primarily written out of frustration. I don't actually want liberty limited. In fact I would like to see it expanded in every land. I'm very grateful to reside in a country where I can write a blog such as this and my face will not end up on a poster printed by Human Rights Watch which they created for the express purpose of reminding everyone on the planet that brutal stonings are still carried out against individuals whose actions have failed to harm a fellow human being.

Since this piece is a tad on the dark side, I'll conclude with a joke.

Why didn't Saddam Hussein's friends let him drink?

Because he was a mean drunk.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All religions preach the glory of suffering. How convenient to keep people both down and happy to be there. There is enough suffering in a world of death without glorifying it and creating some fictional reward for it. Heaven and Hell are human constructs created by people who want to manipulate others. It is the cultural, historical version of mommy and daddy telling stories about the boogey man and santa claus to keep their ignorant and superstitious children in line. Religion is the ultimate expression of a culture based on reward and punishment rather tha a culture based on internally satisfying and compassionate drirected behavior. We don't need religion. In fact, we would evolve to a much deeper and more loving cultural state without religion. Religion is nothing but politics and Jesus is a brand based on myth and manipulation. Take these religious pundits, remove their costumes of power and put them all in a hot tub and who would take them seriously? Jesus never came to save anyone. The new book, The Second Coming, The Last Parable of Jesus will settle all the prophesies and debates about the second coming and the ned of days. Read it and finally relax in the truth instead of the anxiety that comes from elitist propaganda. For Christ's sake...GROW UP! Get the BOOK from