For One Month, Please Forget I Exist

I recently read about a southern transit authority rejecting pro-atheist ads from a local group of non-believers that, if accepted, would have been placed on the sides of city buses just in time for the holidays.

Of course the atheist group in question didn't remember that the holidays are that extra special time of year during which we're supposed to politely disappear because persons of religion don't want to be reminded of the fact that differing viewpoints exist. They'll enjoy a fiftieth rendition of O Holy Night much more if they're able to convince themselves the lyrics are factual.

Religious folks want us to look the other way while they violate the separation of church and state by erecting nativity scenes on governmental property and they also want us to look the other way while they violate the separation of church and state by not allowing atheist advertisements on governmental buses strictly because such advertisements aren't in-line with the religion they passionately insist is not the official religion of the United States of America!?

"Is Christianity the official religion of the U.S.A? What a ridiculous assertion! Now please help me unload the second 350-pound wise man from my pickup truck and respectfully get it up the courthouse steps without ever letting it touch the ground. Ads supporting atheism on public buses... Ah, no, we will not accept those because of a longstanding policy that prohibits any religious based advertising. Where is that policy transcribed? Well, it's only one sentence and we keep the piece of paper on which it's handwritten in the back. If I could just borrow a pen I'll run get it for you."

It's okay to erect religious symbols on governmental property. It's not okay to PAY for anti-religious ads to be placed on governmental property. Yet there IS a separation of church and state!?

If radical Muslims ever achieve their goal of flying the flag of Islam over the White House, the only change in America would be the official religion, not the fact that our country has an official religion. It'd actually be a relief because at least people would stop comically denying an official religion was in place.

"Are you going to tell me America still separates church and state?" someone will ask the leader of our new theocracy.

"No, as a matter of fact the combining of church and state is exactly what led to your incarceration, because, before we took over, having coffee in public with a facially uncovered woman to whom you're not married was perfectly legal."

But for now I suppose you religious folks are content doing everything in your power to make certain we get out of your hair while you celebrate the holidays without a single annoying distraction. Or, to phrase it in a way you'll easily understand; we'll eat at the kiddy table so you can enjoy your Christmas season while partaking in adult conversation.

In your eyes, you're simply shutting up those who moronically don't believe in god. In our eyes, you're doing the equivalent of locking every science and history teacher in a closet, then entering their classrooms and erasing every word in every textbook, filling in the blanks you created with words in which you've dedicated your life to believing regardless of factual evidence.

See you all next year!

And to my atheist friends, happy hibernating!

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