We've Officially Had One too Many Christian Presidents

In addition to being white men, most Presidents of the United States have been Christians. All believed in a higher power of some sort.

You read that correctly: the people we have always trusted to lead us are delusional AND gullible.

That's why it should be no surprise that our 43rd "Christian in Chief" actually governs based on the things God tells him.

I suppose we should be grateful. I mean, a fictional God is probably much smarter than the very real President George W. Bush.

The problem is, like Moses, we're expected to take President Bush's word for it. Moses said God told him about the Ten Commandments and we're supposed to believe him. George W. Bush tells us God told him to invade Iraq and we're supposed to believe him. Hmmm, I'm noticing a pattern...

Why not give an atheist a shot at the White House? An atheist would only be accountable to the people of the United States; not the people of the United States and the protagonist in an ancient book.

Christians are supposed to love God before all others. That means, up to this point, the vast majority of Presidents have put Americans on the back burner. They were elected to serve the people, instead they served God.

So basically we're the red-headed step children of President Bush and those who preceded him.

And this is obviously not a criticism of a specific political party; both Republican and Democrat Presidents have been church going people.

Seeing as how President Bill Clinton, a Baptist, disgraced the Office of the President by making love to a White House intern, and President Bush, a Methodist, waged an unjust war against... Okay, we don't have enough time to go through all the horrible, rotten, awful things President Bush has done.

But seeing as how both these men let us down, don't you think it's time we elected someone who actually puts our needs above their own needs or the needs of a Supreme Being. A Supreme Being science has never been able to prove existed.

It's shame there aren't a few atheists who are well known in political circles that I could mention as being potential leaders of the United States.

You see, the people in this country are so close minded they vow to stop all atheists before they can even establish a political career.

I know Christians; it'd be a shame to have to listen to someone who didn't tell you exactly what you wanted to hear, but don't worry; you'd still have Sunday mornings.

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