If Your Faith is so Strong, Why All the Campouts?

I do not believe in a higher power and am going on a campout with other people who do not believe in a higher power so we can reaffirm our faith that there is no ultimate creator.

If the above sentence seems ridiculous to you, how can the sentence, "I believe in God and am going on a campout with other people in my church to reaffirm our faith in God," be reasonable?

If you people have such strong faith, why do you go to such lengths to make sure you don't stray?

I believe mankind is ruining the environment and future generations will pay the price for our selfish actions, and I will continue to believe that, despite the fact that I've never pitched a tent with someone who feels exactly the same way.

In other words; if you have strong faith in something, you shouldn't need to go on outings to ensure your faith stays consistent.

I suppose churchgoers are worried one of their peers will eventually say, "I used to believe in God, but a lack of talking about my faith while roasting marshmallows and swatting away mosquitoes caused me to change my mind."

Might this be an indication that atheism is the truth and we are more confident in our faith?

Or will you believers deny the fact that true belief doesn't need to be reaffirmed every 15-minutes, or "when the weather turns nice."

So if you like camping; just go camping. Or, better yet, go camping with someone who doesn't share your worldview, because you just might learn something.

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