Not Talking About It Doesn't Make It True

Certainly I lean one way politically, but have never considered myself uber-partisan simply because I believe the majority of politicians are buffoons. One of my favorite habits of elected officials on both sides of the political aisle is refusing to discuss topics about which they're clearly wrong.

"Did I pardon that criminal because his wife was one of the biggest donors to my campaign!? That is a ridiculous question and I refuse to dignify it with a response. Next unrelated question!"

It's as if some people believe that preventing the discussion of a certain topic means they're in the right.

Ever try and have a rational discussion regarding the alien/outer space beliefs of Mormons with a Mormon? To some followers of Mormonism, the proposition, "Let's discuss Kolob, which you believe is the star closest to the throne of god," are fightin' words.

Why are people so adamant they hang onto religions when the mere mention of a specific belief held by followers of the religion is cause for massive tension?

That's the beauty of atheism; you're only required to believe what you actually believe!

What a concept, huh?

It never gives religious people pause that they have been taught stories so outlandish that the mere mention of them puts followers on the defensive!?

Back to the political analogy for a second... Religious people refusing to discuss specific beliefs are akin to candidates in the midst of debates answering questions posed by moderators with completely unrelated information. It's misleading when they do it, yet I'm sure those who follow a specific religion mention all the controversial topics right away while trying to convert the lost. "So you're thinking about becoming a Mormon! I'll explain the, 'love thy neighbor' stuff later, but first I want to tell you about all the creature-inhabiting planets god created besides ours, because we can't be alone in the universe... Am I right!?"

Religious folks are of the opinion that you're required to meet certain belief-criteria or else you'll be denied entrance into the kingdom of heaven. For those who don't believe 100% of the words written in your holy book should be taken literally, what makes you so certain the authors were completely accurate while writing the verses explaining what you're required to believe in order to secure an eternity of perfection?

"Sure, some of those parables weren't based in reality, and I don't believe they actually meant I should execute that homosexual who tried to sell me hand cream in the mall, but they absolutely nailed the part about me needing to believe such-and-such in order to achieve eternal salvation!"

Just think; if they left out important details, or couldn't read their own penmanship after taking notes from god as he informed them exactly what everyone needed to believe, you could be royally screwed.

"What do you mean I can't pass through the pearly gates, I believe everything the Bible taught me," a religious person complains after receiving a notice of rejection on really nice letterhead.

"Yeah, but there was a typo in your Bible which instructed you to believe something you weren't supposed to believe. Therefore, you, and all other humans who purchased a 2008 Zondervan Bible, will not be spending the afterlife in heaven. Who would have thought the omittance of the simple word, 'don't' in Ecclesiastics would have such disastrous consequences" St. Peter replies.

"But that's not my fault!"

"You're right, it was the fault of typesetter J. Randolph Kendrick, who ironically purchased his Bible in 2000 and is therefore currently enjoying a juicy steak that will not add an inch to his svelte waistline... He is in heaven after all."

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