You're a Great Person and I'm Sure Satan Will Love You

I don't understand why the one thing needed for admittance into heaven is in no way based on merit.

What if someone went before a judge and said, "I'm really sorry I randomly beat up everyone in that nursing home, but I believe you are a Holy Judge and therefore my actions shouldn't really matter."

"You're absolutely right," the judge would reply, before giving the man a free lifetime pass to Disneyland.

The next man on the docket would have committed no crime.

"Why do you stand before me!?" the judge would demand.

"I don't know Your Honor, I've done nothing wrong."

"Are you of the opinion I am a Holy Judge, as the last defendant believed?"

"No, I believe you're some guy who graduated from law school."

"You just got yourself a lifetime in the slammer!"

"But my actions have been continuously noble and I did nothing to warrant this unjust sentence!"

"You most certainly did – you believed something wasn't true simply because it didn't make sense, and also because you'd never seen any evidence indicating it was true. For shame - people like you are the reason the penal system is overcrowded."

That's not the kind of country I want to live in, but it's a good enough system for millions of Christians.

And I have a feeling you Christians think that cult members who believe in the "God of Wind" are complete and total freaks. But how can you judge anybody based on what they believe!

I, for one, don't differentiate the Christian belief system from the belief system of the people who were certain Waco cult leader David Koresh was a holy person. If you Christians think the previous sentence is out of bounds, consider the fact that, to most of those who lived 2,000 years ago, you were the people who lived in his compound!

Just because every street corner contains a building that houses people of the same faith doesn't mean you're sane. It means you're gullible, have trouble making friends, don't mind waking up early on Sunday and enjoy looking down on others for behavior you deem immoral though it doesn't hurt a fly. But it definitely does not mean you're sane.

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