We Don't Need a Higher Power to Know it's Wrong to Harm Our Fellow Man

One argument for a higher power revolves around the notion that a higher power gives us a sense of morals. Without "God" we would have no concept of right and wrong.


Without "God" we would fail to realize that making people suffer was bad? We would beat someone up, leave them for dead and take their money, but have no idea we had just done something immoral?


The only true crimes in this world are deeds that hurt someone else. Sure, there are "crimes" made up by society which take place without injury to another person, but those victimless crimes are only "crimes" because of a fictional book called the Bible.

Take prostitution. Why is it a crime? Because the Bible says it's wrong. Does it harm anyone? No. Is it legal in some places in the world, even in some parts of the United States? Yes. Is anyone born with the knowledge that prostitution is immoral? No; it has to be force-fed by thousands of hours of church services and Bible studies.

Sure, there are health concerns with prostitution, but government regulation could make it very safe. And there are health concerns with a myriad of perfectly legal activities, so that argument doesn't fly.

Name me one crime that all sane people think is wrong, which does not involve harming anyone.

That's right, you can't.

Even the drug war is bogus because the only people hurt are hurt because drugs are illegal and therefore a dangerous business. But if people want to harm themselves with drugs, who are we to stop them? Hey, I don't recommend shoving a pencil in your eye but don't think we should outlaw the practice if children should become addicted to the rush of graphite puncturing their corneas.

Do you "believers" really think if it wasn't for "God" you would be unsure whether or not it was wrong to randomly punch a stranger in the face for no reason? That you would have no empathy for the person lying in the ground screaming, "You broke my nose! The pain is unbearable!"

Maybe I'm crazy, but I give myself all the credit for coming to the realization that it's wrong to harm my fellow human being.

I know you believers like to credit a higher power with everything, but maybe you should pat yourself on the back the next time you walk by a little old lady and refrain from beating her up and taking her purse, because maybe you had a small hand in your decision.

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