"You can't prove God doesn't exist" is an argument we outspoken atheists have to deal with on a daily basis. As if that argument somehow validates the notion that there is a higher power.
You know what; I can't prove there isn't an invisible man standing over me judging my typing skills and sentence structure. Does that in any way mean it might be possible that my place has been invaded by men that I cannot see?
Maybe I should think twice before I walk around naked. Maybe I should shower while wearing my bathing suit and change clothes under the covers.
What other things could exist because we can't prove that they don't? Aliens? I can't prove no spooky space people come down when I'm asleep and do experiments on my brain.
Speaking of alien experiments; what would you say to someone who came up to you and said they'd been abducted by aliens? You'd say they're crazy, yet you couldn't prove it didn't happen.
The fact that Christianity, Judaism and Islam are so prevalent in America makes me wonder why we have mental institutions. Why is your imaginary friend so much more socially acceptable than the guy who thinks Gary Cooper comes to him in his dreams so they can talk about the state of cinema?
If we have to prove everything that doesn't exist, it is reasonable to think things from Big Foot to the Loch Ness Monster to unicorns exist? How can you use the fact that it is improvable that God doesn't exist while telling your child they are being irrational because they fear there's a monster in the closet? You can't prove there is no monster without opening the door to check, why do you ask them to believe!
Yes, it's difficult to prove an invisible entity doesn't exist. You got me. Touché. Zing! What a compelling argument you have devised! If I ever get into trouble, I just hope none of you are appointed my legal council.
Hey Sarah
Great little blog, I enjoyed reading it and would like to comment on it. I feel that maybe you have been given a hard time by some misguided believers for that i apologise. In regards to your argument it seems that we are at a cross roads because you cannot prove that God doesn’t exist and I cannot provide an argument which will convince all thinking people that God does.
However this does not in any way mean I don’t like many others have good reasons to believe in God. Due to my background I can empathize a little bit with you as I was someone who chose not to believe in a God and was often agitated by those who would force their opinions and beliefs on others.
However now I am a believer! (Whom likes to respect people’s freedom of choice when it comes to beliefs) In attempting to become an atheist I hit a stumbling block that sent me the other way. My stumbling block is Scientist are convinced that our universe began with a massive explosion (often referred to as the “big Bang”) of energy and light. This explosion was the start of everything that exists, the universe and time its self, the concept of the “Big Bang” is difficult for me to believe or comprehend because the same scientists that are so sure it happened can’t explain to me what caused the Big Bang? or what was there before the Universe?
I can’t prove to you that there is a God but the more I look at the universe the more I believe that someone or something had to have designed it, create it, because how could an explosion of light and matter create such perfection? By perfection I mean look at all the different quantum equations of the earth and the universe and how if the earth was slightly closer to the sun it would mean no life on earth. The universe is too exact for me to believe it was created by some cosmic accident so I choose to believe it was designed by a creator
However that doesn’t change the fact that you have as much as a right to not believe as I do too believe.
I also stumbled apon this blog and has been an interesting read. Id like to comment on your reply scott please dont take this as an attack just as a curious blogger trying to understand how others think :).
"My stumbling block is Scientists are convinced that our universe began with a massive explosion (often referred to as the “big Bang”) of energy and light."
This is just one of thousands of "Theorys" scientists have come up with to try and explain the origins of the universe, scientists are experimenting and challenging themsleevs everyday to try and understand why we are here through logic and reason they are able to say these things, they never say that they are right science evolves all the time and changes giving me answers and explanations that the bible could never give me. If I were to ask a priest how are the stars formed his reply would probably be "God made it so we could see" now to me thats an extremally boring and dull answer which infact dousent really answer my question at all as apposed to the scientific theorys one being "Stars are formed as huge clouds of dust and gases, mainly hydrogen and helium. This is combination is called nebula .As the dust and gases swirl around they break into clumps and contract because of gravitational forces. As the clumps bump into each other and get collect more dust and gases they get bigger and their gravity becomes stronger. (The gravity holds the star. ) Since gravity is so strong the particles pack in more tightly. After it is hot enough for nuclear fusion to start you get another star." that sure makes more sense to me than a big man pointing and stars appearing.
I dont get how you can become a believer of god becouse "the concept of the “Big Bang” is difficult for me to believe or comprehend" being happy with one theory I.E a big man made everything. for the rest of your life and not challenging yourself to understand everything around being perfecly happy with one thoery when science has given you thousands to choose from or the ability to make your own thoerys why follow the crowd scott? thats my question to you.
I love the fact that I can think of my own theorys and not be complacently happy with everything I read in a book, heck in about 10 million years maybe we might read harry potter and start worshipping dumbledore and fearing voldemort and wishing the great wizard harry potter would come down and save us.
Peace Out
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