What are you Searching for?

You always hear about people turning to religion because there is something missing in their lives. "I was searching for the meaning of my existence and I found God," is what people new to religion will say.

I just don't understand how a void in your life can possibly be filled with something that doesn't exist. Get a dog. A dog exists and when you take into account donations to the church it probably costs the same.

You could save yourself a lot of time and money by filling the void in your life with inspirational things you can see. Say a mountain or beautiful river. I promise if you went to the river on Sunday mornings it wouldn't send someone over to hit you up for a donation.

I would think the opposite would occur. I would think people who have too much going on in there lives would take up something that doesn't exist and people who don't have enough in their lives would take up something that does exist.

"I've got too much going on; I need to focus on things that aren't provable by science," or "I need something to fill the void in my life and I love fresh vegetables; why don't I plant a garden!"

Much like it explains that God does not exist, science tells us that voids cannot be filled with imaginary things. Try filling that empty spot in your living room with something that doesn't exist. Guess what happens? That's right; it looks exactly the same, which is exactly what your life is like after filling your void with religion.

Would you invite your friends over and ask, "What do you think of that empty space in front of the sofa? I replaced the coffee table with God! Isn't it fabulous?" Of course you wouldn't because people would think you are crazy. Yet it's even crazier filling a void in your life with God!

After all, your life is a little bit more meaningful than that empty spot next to the armoire.

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