Are Christians Disloyal for Refusing to Declare Jihad?

Our politically correct society makes it imperative we preface any discussion of jihad by claiming that only a few radical Muslims have perverted the teachings of Islam. Islam is "the religion of peace," the civilized must insist.

However, upon closer look at the Book of Leviticus, it appears that anyone who purports to believe in the Old Testament and is not actively punishing human beings for earthly sins may be perverting their own religion.

I suppose those who still consider the Old Testament a holy book are angered by jihadists because jihadists make them aware of the fact that they are choosing to only read chapters of their holy book that make them feel comfy and cozy. And instead of exchanging the entire book for a warm, marshmallowy cup of cocoa, they must live a lie.

It must be difficult to admit that those who call for the death of persons, who have done nothing other than practice the wrong religion, are far more stringent when it comes to following the strict guidelines set forth by their god.

Instead of claiming that Islamic radicals are perverting their religion, you should be admitting that, because you inherently know right from wrong, you can't abide by every rule in your Bible, and think it should be a given that every religious person ignore verses in their dearly beloved book when those verses contain instructions not acceptable in modern society.

You rightly admonish jihadists, but pretend they are perverting their religion, when it is you who pervert your religion by not acting in a similar manner.

Are you afraid potential converts will be turned off should they learn what's actually in the Bible? Do you only want to show them passages that call for everyone to love their neighbor? Since you're basically removing words from the Bible, why refrain from adding verses? Wouldn't that cute saying that claims little boys are made from puppy dog tails be a great addition to the Book of Zephaniah?

And I suppose it also wouldn't be a great selling point should the prospective converts ever learn that the Bible contains similar instructions to ones listed in the book strictly followed by jihadists.

So keep sweeping the truth under the rug while criticizing jihadists for being truer to their religion than you are to yours.

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