Protecting Children Isn't Akin to Coversheet Adding

Now that the Catholic Church is backed into a corner regarding their much publicized sexual abuse scandal, the Vatican has decided to take on the attitude of an employee who has fought vigorously against an order that says he or she must put a coversheet atop all future TPS Reports.

"Fine, if everyone is going to make such a big deal about it, I'll go ahead and put a coversheet on my TPS report. The company has managed just fine with coversheet-less TPS Reports for umpteen years, but whatever.

From what I've read, the Vatican is finally willing to clamp down on sexual abuse because... wait for it... the Pope has a goal of reviving the influence of the Catholic Church in Europe.

Does that mean they're not even a little interested in protecting children simply for the sake of protecting children?

I hate to break it to the revered church elders, but helping innocent children shouldn't be tedious. Helping innocent children shouldn't be viewed as busy work. "To help innocent children, or not to help innocent children," isn't a decision people should spend hours contemplating. In the Pope's notebook, we shouldn't find a list of pros and cons related to rescuing children from abuse. "Pro: fewer trembling altar boys. Con: extra paperwork."

Instinctively, upon hearing news that abuse has taken place, any decent human being should say, "I will make it my mission in life to aid those who have been victimized, punish the oppressors, and make certain said abuse never happens again." The response should not be, "Okay people, it's time for damage control. How do we make this all go away?"

People say that only through god can we know right from wrong. But we don't need a higher power instructing us that it's a grievous sin to harm other human beings in order to enhance our own selfish pleasure. Yet, because church is the number one priority in their life, Catholic leaders can't bring themselves to abide by the only law that all rational people know is vital to the stability of society.

I'm not even claiming that those looking to protect the Catholic Church are evil. Many are so warped by their duty that they've lost all perspective. The church is their drug. The church is more important than upholding the values they claim their god preaches.

Do they really think god, as they've made him out to be, would say, "In order to ensure there is a butt atop every square inch of pew cushion, cover up any vile action that occurs under your watch."?

Or do you think god would say, "I don't care if you have to sit on the sidewalk and preach to whoever walks by; just make sure you' re not harming anyone - especially those who seek me."

Why do I, an atheist, know exactly how your god would want you to handle certain situations; while those of you who have committed your lives to following his teachings haven't the foggiest idea!?

I have no problem with individuals who have chosen to believe in god. In fact; I'm so adamant you be happy with your decision that I will offer those with a penchant for covering up abuse, or looking the other way in spite of overwhelming evidence abuse has taken place, a great piece of advice for strengthening your relationship with god: take a step back from the church and just think about right versus wrong. Because, if he's as great as you claim; he is simply adamant you do everything in your power to protect the innocent.

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